1. Introduction
For the development of Tubie I’m committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of all visitors to the app. In particular, I want you to know that Tubie is not in the business of selling, renting, or trading any user data with other companies and businesses for financial gain or marketing purposes whatsoever.
2. Consent
By accessing and using the Tubie app, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the policy, please do not access or use the app.
3. Information Collection and Use
To make it clear, the Tubie app does not collect any personal identifiable data from its users. Tubie is designed to function without the need to collect personal information from anyone who downloads or uses it.
Tubie does however collect information about the platform you’re using (iOS or Android) along with the app version (for example v1.0.1). This information is solely used for analytical and troubleshooting purposes and can’t be connected to you in any way.
4. Changes to Our Privacy Policy
This privacy policy may be updated in the future, and so you should check this policy occasionally to ensure you are happy with any changes. Significant changes will be notified to you either through the app interface or via a more direct form of communication.
5. Contact
If you have any questions about Tubie’s Privacy Policy, the practices of this app, or your dealings with this app, please reach out at hello@tubieapp.com